
Off-Road PLUS

AZAR4 - 1490 new - Off-Road PLUS
AZAR4 - DSC8272 Poprawione Szum - Off-Road PLUS
AZAR4 - DSC7798 - Off-Road PLUS
AZAR4 - DSC8275 Poprawione Szum - Off-Road PLUS
AZAR4 - DSC8282 - Off-Road PLUS
AZAR4 - DSC7794 - Off-Road PLUS
AZAR4 - DSC8297 - Off-Road PLUS
azar4 pickup camper off-road plus
AZAR4 - svg+xml;base64,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 - Off-Road PLUS
AZAR4 - svg+xml;base64,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 - Off-Road PLUS


450 kg

The AZAR4® mobile capsule in the Off-Road Plus version, has been designed with off-road expeditions in mind. It is a fully functional and comfortable space with 3 full-size sleeping places (bed + couch), storage for a touring toilet, a large work surface, a sink and a pull-out table. The Off-Road Capsule, is distinguished from other models by its large number of lockers and storage compartments, so you can take your specialised expedition equipment without worrying if everything will fit. In this capsule, unlike its European counterpart, you’ll find a dedicated space for a retractable touring fridge. The volume of the capsule is considerably larger than that of the Off Road model. The furniture has been made from lightweight and extremely durable boatbuilding plywood. The interior is finished with high-quality fabrics and upholstery.

Compatible cars
  • Chevrolet Colorado

  • Chevrolet Silverado

  • Dodge RAM

  • Ford F150

  • Ford F250

  • Ford Maverick

  • GMC Canyon

  • GMC Sierra

  • Nissan Frontier

  • Nissan Titan

  • Toyota Tacoma

The above cars are examples of the most popular models. If your pickup is not on the list, please write to us!


– lightweight, robust, monolithic composite body
– thermal insulation with PUR closed-cell foam
– Upholstered wall and ceiling cladding
– PCV floor cladding
– rear door with steps, lock and latches
– Side windows 700×300 mm with ventilation, tilt adjustment, roller shutter and mosquito net
– roof window 960×655 mm with ventilation, tilt adjustment, roller blind and mosquito net
– double porthole rear door

Exterior colours:
– polyurethane multi-layer coating – graphite colour

Exterior fittings:
– anodised aluminium mounting strips
– entrance handles (stainless steel) 2 pcs.
– roof brackets
– reinforced roof platform
– support mounting sockets 4 pcs.
– mounting system for pickup
– LED parking, reversing, direction, stop lights
– Light connection cable 13 PIN
– Mounting kit (mounting straps 4 pcs)
– aluminium rear mounting panel, anodised
– external radio antenna
– diesel heating tank with anodised aluminium cover
– LED intensive side lighting
– mounting strips for photovoltaic panel

Interior fittings WATER INSTALLATION:
– external water inlet
– 49 litre domestic water tank
– low-pressure water pump
– water level indicator
– grey water tank 19 litres – kitchen

– complete wiring for installation of appliances and lighting
– illuminated control panel for electrical systems
– voltmeter – battery charge indicator
– battery master switch
– 12 V fuse box
– AUTOTERM AIR 2D heater + ventilation
– heating control panel
– connection to external 230V power supply
– 230V socket – 2 pcs.
– fuse box 230V
– 12V socket
– USB socket
– electrical installation for photovoltaic panel

Interior fittings LIGHTING:
– LED ceiling lighting in the living area 2 pcs.
– LED intensive lighting of the daytime zone

Interior fittings:
– interior fittings made of lightweight plywood covered with natural oil-wax
– doors of internal fittings made of composite
– bed with double layer foam mattress, dimensions 2000×1400 mm
– bed with double layer foam mattress, dimensions 2000×700 mm
– backrest over additional bed 2 pcs. 1000X300 mm
– tops covered with HPL laminate
– pull-out table with block, covered with HPL laminate
– cutlery drawer
– bluetooth radio
– loudspeaker set
– smoke detector
– sink with stainless steel tap
– extinguisher

100 Ah gel battery
100 Ah Life P04 battery (with Bluetooth communication)
200 Ah Life P04 battery (with Bluetooth communication)
100 Ah Life P04 Lithium Extreme battery (with Bluetooth communication)
200 Ah Life P04 Lithium Extreme battery (with Bluetooth communication)
Solar panel 186 WP
Solar panel charging controller 30A
ENERBLOCK on-board battery charging system
Converter 12V/230V Inwerter PerfectPower PP402 Waeco-Dometic
Hot water heater
Roof window fan FIAMMA
Tourist fridge CFX3 25
Tourist toilet
Screw jacks (for dismounting and mounting the capsule)
Awning Fiamma (1 set)
Airline bracket holders
Connecting cable 230 V 10 A, 5 m long
Adapter 10 A
Outdoor shower
Porthole louvre
Mesh pockets
Shock-absorbing mat
Off-Road PLUS Rugs
Camp shovel
Camping stove
Outdoor ladder
Mud ramps (2 pcs.)
Mounting brackets for mud ramps
Adjusting the vehicle